May 27, 2023

The Islamic Jihad is planning revenge on Israel

The Islamic Jihad has begun to restore its military capabilities that were damaged in the “Shield and Arrow” operation, its prestige in the Arab world has been damaged and it is planning a revenge against Israel that will restore some of its dignity.
The Palestinian street does not buy the explanations of the leader of the Islamic Jihad about the assassination of the military leadership of his organization, Israel achieved a temporary tactical and psychological victory over the terrorist organization.


The Islamic Jihad is planning revenge on Israel

The Islamic Jihad has begun to restore its military capabilities that were damaged in the “Shield and Arrow” operation, its prestige in the Arab world has been damaged and it is planning a revenge against Israel that will restore some of its dignity.
The Palestinian street does not buy the explanations of the leader of the Islamic Jihad about the assassination of the military leadership of his organization, Israel achieved a temporary tactical and psychological victory over the terrorist organization.