June 11, 2023

Jordan Prepares for the Post-Mahmoud Abbas Era 

Jordan is deeply concerned about the potential collapse of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the unexpected departure of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas from the political stage.
The country fears that the right-wing Israeli government might exploit the PA’s collapse to encourage the migration of Palestinians from Judea and Samaria to Jordanian territory, while proclaiming that Jordan will serve as the establishment grounds for a Palestinian state.


A New Nuclear Agreement Poses a Threat to Israel 

Iran and the US deny any progress toward a new nuclear agreement, but Israel remains skeptical. Prime Minister Netanyahu has declared that Israel will not be bound by any such agreement.
Senior security officials argue that a new nuclear agreement between world powers and Iran would endanger Israel by bolstering Iran’s military strength and that of its allies in the Middle East.


Jordan Prepares for the Post-Mahmoud Abbas Era 

Jordan is deeply concerned about the potential collapse of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the unexpected departure of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas from the political stage.
The country fears that the right-wing Israeli government might exploit the PA’s collapse to encourage the migration of Palestinians from Judea and Samaria to Jordanian territory, while proclaiming that Jordan will serve as the establishment grounds for a Palestinian state.


A New Nuclear Agreement Poses a Threat to Israel 

Iran and the US deny any progress toward a new nuclear agreement, but Israel remains skeptical. Prime Minister Netanyahu has declared that Israel will not be bound by any such agreement.
Senior security officials argue that a new nuclear agreement between world powers and Iran would endanger Israel by bolstering Iran’s military strength and that of its allies in the Middle East.