June 20, 2023

Terrorist Groups in Samaria Adopting Hezbollah’s Methods 

The armed terrorist groups in Samaria are striving to gain a tactical advantage over IDF forces by emulating the terrorist methods employed by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. Israel is facing mounting international pressure to avoid a large-scale military operation. Consequently, the IDF will prioritize activities aimed at dismantling explosive charge production laboratories that have been established in the region.


Disappointing Visit of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to China 

Despite significant media attention, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas concluded his visit to China without any notable political achievements.
China, currently strengthening its position in the Middle East, supports the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. However, China maintains good relations with Israel and will not jeopardize them to please the PA.


Terrorist Groups in Samaria Adopting Hezbollah’s Methods 

The armed terrorist groups in Samaria are striving to gain a tactical advantage over IDF forces by emulating the terrorist methods employed by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. Israel is facing mounting international pressure to avoid a large-scale military operation. Consequently, the IDF will prioritize activities aimed at dismantling explosive charge production laboratories that have been established in the region.


Disappointing Visit of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to China 

Despite significant media attention, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas concluded his visit to China without any notable political achievements.
China, currently strengthening its position in the Middle East, supports the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. However, China maintains good relations with Israel and will not jeopardize them to please the PA.