July 13, 2023

Mahmoud Abbas’ Performance in Jenin 

The recent visit of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to Jenin served as a significant spectacle to address domestic concerns and bolster international support. However, there are doubts regarding his commitment to combating the terrorism perpetrated by armed groups.
Iran has shown no intention of relinquishing its outposts in the Jenin area, challenging the authority of the Palestinian Authority (PA). As a result, Israel will likely continue its military operations in the region to counter the threat of terrorism.


Mahmoud Abbas’ Performance in Jenin 

The recent visit of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to Jenin served as a significant spectacle to address domestic concerns and bolster international support. However, there are doubts regarding his commitment to combating the terrorism perpetrated by armed groups.
Iran has shown no intention of relinquishing its outposts in the Jenin area, challenging the authority of the Palestinian Authority (PA). As a result, Israel will likely continue its military operations in the region to counter the threat of terrorism.