July 18, 2023

The Confrontation Between the PA and the “Jenin Battalion” 

Tensions in the city of Jenin between the PA and the Islamic Jihad are escalating as the PA’s security forces have begun arresting armed terrorists. The Islamic Jihad is threatening to boycott the reconciliation meeting in Cairo at the end of the month, where PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is expected to present a formula for disbanding the armed groups in Jenin without bloodshed.


The Confrontation Between the PA and the “Jenin Battalion” 

Tensions in the city of Jenin between the PA and the Islamic Jihad are escalating as the PA’s security forces have begun arresting armed terrorists. The Islamic Jihad is threatening to boycott the reconciliation meeting in Cairo at the end of the month, where PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is expected to present a formula for disbanding the armed groups in Jenin without bloodshed.