August 2, 2023

President Biden’s honey trap for Israel  

In the tripartite deal proposed by the Biden administration for Saudi Arabia and Israel there are great dangers to Israel’s security, President Biden is setting a honey trap for the right-wing government in Israel in order to dismantle it and force the two-state solution upon it. There is no rush, it is better for Israel to wait until after the presidential elections in the United States, then it may be able to get a deal on much better terms.


President Biden’s honey trap for Israel  

In the tripartite deal proposed by the Biden administration for Saudi Arabia and Israel there are great dangers to Israel’s security, President Biden is setting a honey trap for the right-wing government in Israel in order to dismantle it and force the two-state solution upon it. There is no rush, it is better for Israel to wait until after the presidential elections in the United States, then it may be able to get a deal on much better terms.