August 26, 2023

Egypt’s Efforts to Curb Targeted Assassinations of Terrorist Leaders

Recent developments indicate Egypt’s active involvement in preventing potential targeted assassinations of key terrorist leaders. Specifically, Israel declined an Egyptian plea to commit to avoiding a reversion to the practice of targeted killings of Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders.
With the leaders of these terrorist organizations retreating into hiding in Gaza due to their apprehensions of Israeli strikes, they’ve taken unprecedented precautions in regions such as Syria and Lebanon.


Egypt’s Efforts to Curb Targeted Assassinations of Terrorist Leaders

Recent developments indicate Egypt’s active involvement in preventing potential targeted assassinations of key terrorist leaders. Specifically, Israel declined an Egyptian plea to commit to avoiding a reversion to the practice of targeted killings of Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders.
With the leaders of these terrorist organizations retreating into hiding in Gaza due to their apprehensions of Israeli strikes, they’ve taken unprecedented precautions in regions such as Syria and Lebanon.