October 6, 2023

Saudi Arabia Shifts Focus from Arab Peace Initiative to Broader Regional Relations

Saudi Arabia publicly declares its commitment to the Arab peace initiative, but recent developments suggest a shifting focus towards a closer normalization agreement with Israel, potentially bypassing the implementation of the initiative. Despite voicing commitment to the Arab Peace Initiative, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman prioritizes the security strengthening of Saudi Arabia through a series of measures. In this pursuit, Palestinian interests may take a back seat.


Saudi Arabia Shifts Focus from Arab Peace Initiative to Broader Regional Relations

Saudi Arabia publicly declares its commitment to the Arab peace initiative, but recent developments suggest a shifting focus towards a closer normalization agreement with Israel, potentially bypassing the implementation of the initiative. Despite voicing commitment to the Arab Peace Initiative, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman prioritizes the security strengthening of Saudi Arabia through a series of measures. In this pursuit, Palestinian interests may take a back seat.