May 3, 2024

President Bashar Assad’s Strategic Stance: Walking a Tightrope

Since the onset of the conflict, Syrian President Bashar Assad has notably maintained a neutral stance, refraining from direct action against Israel despite his alignment with the Iran-led axis, and despite Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) operations within Syrian territory. Speculation abounds regarding Assad’s reluctance to confront Israel directly, with many attributing it to a fear of Israeli retaliation. Assad’s primary concern appears to be the preservation of his regime and the reconstruction of war-torn Syria.


President Bashar Assad’s Strategic Stance: Walking a Tightrope

Since the onset of the conflict, Syrian President Bashar Assad has notably maintained a neutral stance, refraining from direct action against Israel despite his alignment with the Iran-led axis, and despite Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) operations within Syrian territory. Speculation abounds regarding Assad’s reluctance to confront Israel directly, with many attributing it to a fear of Israeli retaliation. Assad’s primary concern appears to be the preservation of his regime and the reconstruction of war-torn Syria.