July 9, 2024

Positive Expectations in the Gulf Countries Following the Election of a New President in Iran

The heads of the Gulf states have sent congratulatory notes to Massoud Pezeshekian, Iran’s new president, acknowledging his election victory. However, concerns about Iran’s expansionist ambitions remain prevalent. Despite his new role, President Pezeshekian lacks control over the Shiite militias in the Middle East and Iran’s subversive policies against moderate Arab regimes.


Positive Expectations in the Gulf Countries Following the Election of a New President in Iran

The heads of the Gulf states have sent congratulatory notes to Massoud Pezeshekian, Iran’s new president, acknowledging his election victory. However, concerns about Iran’s expansionist ambitions remain prevalent. Despite his new role, President Pezeshekian lacks control over the Shiite militias in the Middle East and Iran’s subversive policies against moderate Arab regimes.