
The Complex Dynamics between Hamas and Hezbollah

The tensions between Hamas and Hezbollah have become increasingly apparent, marked by differing strategic approaches and a lack of coordination in their response to the conflict with Israel. While both are considered “resistance” movements, their priorities and methods often diverge, leading to criticism and potential strain in their relationship.


Iran is debating about resuming the fighting in the Gaza Strip

Iran is currently grappling with a critical decision amid the looming possibility of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) resuming conflict in the Gaza Strip. The IDF’s potential advancement towards the center and south of the Gaza Strip, aiming to topple the Hamas regime, presents a challenging scenario for Iran.


The Complex Dynamics of the Gaza Conflict: A Closer Look

Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, has employed a unique strategy to halt the fighting and exert pressure on Israel by leveraging hostages as bargaining chips for an extended ceasefire.
Understanding that Hamas responds to strength, some argue that negotiations with Israel should have been conducted only under the pressure of ongoing military operations.


Supplying Weapons to the PA: A Potentially Costly Mistake

The decision to supply American military equipment, weaponry, and cyber warfare tools to the PA via Jordan for the purpose of combating terrorism has raised concerns.
Israel appears to be repeating past mistakes, as PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has shown reluctance in effectively addressing the issue of terrorism. This decision might enable the PA to employ these weapons against Israel in the future.


Jordan’s Opposition to the Israeli Security Fence in the Jordan Valley

Jordan strongly opposes Israel’s plans to construct a new security fence along the Jordan Valley. King Abdullah is deeply concerned that this move represents the first step towards the annexation of the Jordan Valley by Israel. To address this issue, he intends to reach out to the Biden administration in an effort to persuade them to reverse Israel’s decision.


The Role of Iran in Fomenting Terrorism in Judea and Samaria 

The surge in terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria can be directly attributed to Iran’s escalating involvement. Over the past two years, Iran has significantly increased its provision of instructions, funds, and weaponry to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, fuelling unrest and instability in the region. Iran’s objective is clear: it aims to incite a new intifada against Israel and transform Judea and Samaria into a fresh front for its hostile endeavors.


Hezbollah’s War of Attrition 

Iran is driving Hezbollah into a protracted conflict against Israel on the Lebanese border, while simultaneously pushing terrorist groups in northern Samaria to engage IDF forces on another front of attrition. Israel’s response to Hezbollah’s actions should be resolute, even if it leads to several days of intense fighting on the northern border.


The Complex Dynamics between Hamas and Hezbollah

The tensions between Hamas and Hezbollah have become increasingly apparent, marked by differing strategic approaches and a lack of coordination in their response to the conflict with Israel. While both are considered “resistance” movements, their priorities and methods often diverge, leading to criticism and potential strain in their relationship.


Iran is debating about resuming the fighting in the Gaza Strip

Iran is currently grappling with a critical decision amid the looming possibility of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) resuming conflict in the Gaza Strip. The IDF’s potential advancement towards the center and south of the Gaza Strip, aiming to topple the Hamas regime, presents a challenging scenario for Iran.


The Complex Dynamics of the Gaza Conflict: A Closer Look

Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, has employed a unique strategy to halt the fighting and exert pressure on Israel by leveraging hostages as bargaining chips for an extended ceasefire.
Understanding that Hamas responds to strength, some argue that negotiations with Israel should have been conducted only under the pressure of ongoing military operations.


Supplying Weapons to the PA: A Potentially Costly Mistake

The decision to supply American military equipment, weaponry, and cyber warfare tools to the PA via Jordan for the purpose of combating terrorism has raised concerns.
Israel appears to be repeating past mistakes, as PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has shown reluctance in effectively addressing the issue of terrorism. This decision might enable the PA to employ these weapons against Israel in the future.


Jordan’s Opposition to the Israeli Security Fence in the Jordan Valley

Jordan strongly opposes Israel’s plans to construct a new security fence along the Jordan Valley. King Abdullah is deeply concerned that this move represents the first step towards the annexation of the Jordan Valley by Israel. To address this issue, he intends to reach out to the Biden administration in an effort to persuade them to reverse Israel’s decision.


The Role of Iran in Fomenting Terrorism in Judea and Samaria 

The surge in terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria can be directly attributed to Iran’s escalating involvement. Over the past two years, Iran has significantly increased its provision of instructions, funds, and weaponry to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, fuelling unrest and instability in the region. Iran’s objective is clear: it aims to incite a new intifada against Israel and transform Judea and Samaria into a fresh front for its hostile endeavors.


Hezbollah’s War of Attrition 

Iran is driving Hezbollah into a protracted conflict against Israel on the Lebanese border, while simultaneously pushing terrorist groups in northern Samaria to engage IDF forces on another front of attrition. Israel’s response to Hezbollah’s actions should be resolute, even if it leads to several days of intense fighting on the northern border.