The Mossad sent a warning message to the nuclear scientist Said Bourji

Israel is secretly preparing to attack the Iranian nuclear facilities and to prevent the possibility of Iran producing a nuclear bomb. Israel revealed in the media the name of the nuclear scientist Said Bourji who is responsible for the production of the bomb mechanism and Western intelligence sources estimate that the Mossad may assassinate him

Israel is closely monitoring the developments and is already preparing for the worst case scenario, the preparations for the military option of attacking Iran's nuclear facilities continue at full speed by the IDF, at the same time the Israeli Mossad is preparing for new secret operations on Iranian soil to thwart the production of the first nuclear bomb.
Last week "Iran international" channel revealed that the man who is in charge of the project of producing nuclear warheads for Iran is a scientist named Said Bourji.
Said Bourji is the owner of the SPND company which is actually a defense company that works with the Iranian Ministry of Defense and is continuing the secret " Amad Project" which was established to produce the Iranian nuclear bomb.
He has experience in missile development and nuclear explosions and according to "Iran International" he was involved in the nuclear test at Abada nuclear site south of Isfahan in Iran.

Said Bourji worked on this project alongside Mohsen Fakhri Zada, the father of the nuclear bomb who was assassinated, according to foreign sources, by the Israeli Mossad in November 2020 and is the head of the project that works to produce nuclear warheads.
Informed sources say that the disclosure of the name of the scientist Said Bourji and the great publicity he got is a warning message to Bourji that he should cease his nuclear activities before he is assassinated.

The Mossad is now focusing on what is called the "weapon group" which is responsible for producing the nuclear explosion mechanism after Iran has already obtained the amount of enriched uranium it needs to produce its first nuclear bomb.
e scientist Said Bourji is an important element of the "weapon group" project and there is no doubt

that stopping his activity will delay Iran from producing its first nuclear bomb.

Yoni Ben Menachem

Senior Middle East Analyst

הערה: הכותב הוא מזרחן ומנכ"ל רשות השידור לשעבר

אודות יוני בן מנחם

יוני בן מנחם הוא מזרחן, עיתונאי ומנכ"ל רשות השידור לשעבר. הוא בעל עשרות שנות ניסיון בעיתונות הכתובה והמצולמת. דרכו של בן מנחם בעולם המדיה החלה כמפיק של הטלוויזיה היפנית במזרח התיכון. לאחר מכן, הוא מילא תפקידי מפתח רבים בתקשורת הישראלית: מנכ"ל רשות השידור, מנהל רדיו קול ישראל, כתב לענייניי שטחים, כתב ופרשן מדיני, פרשן לענייני המזרח התיכון ועורך ראשי ומגיש התוכנית 'מגזין המזה"ת'. 

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