nuclear bomb

The head of the Mossad is leading the battle against the nuclear agreement with Iran

The political echelon in Israel understands the seriousness of the danger of returning to the nuclear agreement but avoids a confrontation with the Biden administration, the only one who tells the whole truth to the public is the head of the Mossad.
Because of the failures of the various governments in Israel, the IDF is not yet ready to attack Iran, the burden falls on the Mossad to sabotage the Iranian nuclear project until the IDF reorganizes.


The Mossad sent a warning message to the nuclear scientist Said Bourji

Israel is secretly preparing to attack the Iranian nuclear facilities and to prevent the possibility of Iran producing a nuclear bomb.
Israel revealed in the media the name of the nuclear scientist Said Bourji who is responsible for the production of the bomb mechanism and Western intelligence sources estimate that the Mossad may assassinate him


The head of the Mossad is leading the battle against the nuclear agreement with Iran

The political echelon in Israel understands the seriousness of the danger of returning to the nuclear agreement but avoids a confrontation with the Biden administration, the only one who tells the whole truth to the public is the head of the Mossad.
Because of the failures of the various governments in Israel, the IDF is not yet ready to attack Iran, the burden falls on the Mossad to sabotage the Iranian nuclear project until the IDF reorganizes.


The Mossad sent a warning message to the nuclear scientist Said Bourji

Israel is secretly preparing to attack the Iranian nuclear facilities and to prevent the possibility of Iran producing a nuclear bomb.
Israel revealed in the media the name of the nuclear scientist Said Bourji who is responsible for the production of the bomb mechanism and Western intelligence sources estimate that the Mossad may assassinate him