
Why is the Delay in Eliminating Hamas Leaders Abroad?

The elimination of Hamas leaders abroad is deemed essential to impede the organization’s resurgence in the Gaza Strip and sever its ties with Iran. However, this process faces delays due to various security concerns. Nonetheless, Israel remains resolute in its commitment to complete this task.


Hezbollah’s Intelligence Failure: The Assassination of Saleh Al-Arouri

The successful assassination of Saleh al-Arouri in the heart of Hezbollah’s stronghold in Lebanon symbolizes a significant intelligence failure on the part of Hezbollah, which was tasked with protecting its guest. Hezbollah, along with Lebanese intelligence, is currently attempting to locate suspects involved in the assassination. The incident underscores the prowess of the Israeli Mossad in penetrating the heart of terrorism, dealing a blow to Hezbollah’s security measures.


The Iranian regime is surprised and scared by the Hijab protest 

The Israeli Mossad sees a change in the Iranian leadership, which for the first time shows great concern about the hijab protest in the country and the possibility that it will lead to regime change in Iran.
Intelligence sources in the West estimate that the regime will increase the rate of executions of the demonstrators in an attempt to suppress the protest, therefore it is important to increase the international pressure on Iran


Iran has decided to assassinate senior officials of the Israeli Mossad

Iran plans to assassinate current and former Israeli Mossad officials in retaliation for a series of actions attributed to the organization on Iranian soil and in Syria.
The security establishment must take precautions following the intelligence alerts, especially former Mossad heads who have become businessmen and often travel abroad should be careful.


To use the “Hijab protest” in Iran to   topple the regime 

The “Hijab protest” has been going on in Iran for two months now and the Iranian regime accuses American intelligence and the Israeli Mossad of organizing the protests.
Israel and the US are not involved in the protests, but the new political echelon in Israel must take advantage of every opportunity to overthrow the Iranian regime, Netanyahu must maintain Israel’s freedom of action without any American restrictions.


The head of the Mossad is leading the battle against the nuclear agreement with Iran

The political echelon in Israel understands the seriousness of the danger of returning to the nuclear agreement but avoids a confrontation with the Biden administration, the only one who tells the whole truth to the public is the head of the Mossad.
Because of the failures of the various governments in Israel, the IDF is not yet ready to attack Iran, the burden falls on the Mossad to sabotage the Iranian nuclear project until the IDF reorganizes.


The Mossad exposed the failures of Iranian intelligence

“Iran International” channel reveals the identity of two senior Iranian officials who were responsible for the failures of Iranian intelligence in Cyprus and Turkey.
Western intelligence sources estimate that the publication is part of the psychological warfare of the Israeli Mossad, the signing of the nuclear agreement will result in the acceleration of the activities of the Mossad in Iran.


The Mossad sent a warning message to the nuclear scientist Said Bourji

Israel is secretly preparing to attack the Iranian nuclear facilities and to prevent the possibility of Iran producing a nuclear bomb.
Israel revealed in the media the name of the nuclear scientist Said Bourji who is responsible for the production of the bomb mechanism and Western intelligence sources estimate that the Mossad may assassinate him


Why is the Delay in Eliminating Hamas Leaders Abroad?

The elimination of Hamas leaders abroad is deemed essential to impede the organization’s resurgence in the Gaza Strip and sever its ties with Iran. However, this process faces delays due to various security concerns. Nonetheless, Israel remains resolute in its commitment to complete this task.


Hezbollah’s Intelligence Failure: The Assassination of Saleh Al-Arouri

The successful assassination of Saleh al-Arouri in the heart of Hezbollah’s stronghold in Lebanon symbolizes a significant intelligence failure on the part of Hezbollah, which was tasked with protecting its guest. Hezbollah, along with Lebanese intelligence, is currently attempting to locate suspects involved in the assassination. The incident underscores the prowess of the Israeli Mossad in penetrating the heart of terrorism, dealing a blow to Hezbollah’s security measures.


The Iranian regime is surprised and scared by the Hijab protest 

The Israeli Mossad sees a change in the Iranian leadership, which for the first time shows great concern about the hijab protest in the country and the possibility that it will lead to regime change in Iran.
Intelligence sources in the West estimate that the regime will increase the rate of executions of the demonstrators in an attempt to suppress the protest, therefore it is important to increase the international pressure on Iran


Iran has decided to assassinate senior officials of the Israeli Mossad

Iran plans to assassinate current and former Israeli Mossad officials in retaliation for a series of actions attributed to the organization on Iranian soil and in Syria.
The security establishment must take precautions following the intelligence alerts, especially former Mossad heads who have become businessmen and often travel abroad should be careful.


To use the “Hijab protest” in Iran to   topple the regime 

The “Hijab protest” has been going on in Iran for two months now and the Iranian regime accuses American intelligence and the Israeli Mossad of organizing the protests.
Israel and the US are not involved in the protests, but the new political echelon in Israel must take advantage of every opportunity to overthrow the Iranian regime, Netanyahu must maintain Israel’s freedom of action without any American restrictions.


The head of the Mossad is leading the battle against the nuclear agreement with Iran

The political echelon in Israel understands the seriousness of the danger of returning to the nuclear agreement but avoids a confrontation with the Biden administration, the only one who tells the whole truth to the public is the head of the Mossad.
Because of the failures of the various governments in Israel, the IDF is not yet ready to attack Iran, the burden falls on the Mossad to sabotage the Iranian nuclear project until the IDF reorganizes.


The Mossad exposed the failures of Iranian intelligence

“Iran International” channel reveals the identity of two senior Iranian officials who were responsible for the failures of Iranian intelligence in Cyprus and Turkey.
Western intelligence sources estimate that the publication is part of the psychological warfare of the Israeli Mossad, the signing of the nuclear agreement will result in the acceleration of the activities of the Mossad in Iran.


The Mossad sent a warning message to the nuclear scientist Said Bourji

Israel is secretly preparing to attack the Iranian nuclear facilities and to prevent the possibility of Iran producing a nuclear bomb.
Israel revealed in the media the name of the nuclear scientist Said Bourji who is responsible for the production of the bomb mechanism and Western intelligence sources estimate that the Mossad may assassinate him